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Thursday, April 3, 2014


Welcome! I have created this blog to share the happiness that I have found in being a mother and a caretaker of our house. I want to share ideas, recipes & tips that will help you with your own family. Although, as the blog title states, I am a SAHM (stay at home mom), I think what is shared here can apply to most of us with or without kids. I am always impressed to see the different dynamics of others' households and how they make their families work.

Lately my focus has been on opening my eyes to what I am feeding my family. As the one who buys the groceries and prepares the meals, I am responsible for what my family eats. The more I learn how much of our diet is heavily processed food, the more I regret my past choices and want to do better for my family. I follow some really informative blogs like Food Babe and 100 Days of Real Food that help identify what is actually put in some of the foods we eat, as well as give great ideas and solutions.

This is something I realize I can't fix overnight. It will take time, but step by step I am determined to be more aware and feed my family only the best. I hope that you will come join me on this journey!
